Sometimes we don’t think or feel like we have a lot to give, or anything really great or special to give others in need.
Sometimes we don’t think or feel like we have a lot to give, or anything really great or special to give others in need.
But the truth is, we never really know how much a small little gesture or small act of giving, that we see as ” not that great,” can help another person cope in their lives.
This story gave me goose-bumps…in a good way !!
Mike Weinstein: It is both touc
hing and inspiring to me , how you manged to use your talent (of photography) to bring hope to your “survivor ” friend.
Mike Weinstein , Connect2 , friendly visitor volunteer for holocaust survivors wrote :
“I have visited Herman Graulich for at least 6 months, Herman is always so nice, we talk about everything from his childhood in Poland, when he played soccer, to his time in the concentration camps and DP camps, the Catskills, Miami Beach, his changing neighborhood, including the latest news on television and the presidential debates. Herman used to daven at Young Israel of Flatbush but can no longer go because of his age and poor eyesight. I took a photo of the shul and framed it for Herman. I told him that if he couldn’t go to the shul, I would bring the shul to him. Herman appreciated the gift, his smile was priceless. I hope to visit my friend Herman many more times.”