Just need to listen out
I opened my Facebook one morning and saw a message that read the following” my life is falling apart,Im age 55′ bal teshuvah for 5 years now”my teen daughter is almost 100% deaf” she’s losing all her friends and self esteem” when she was younger I was able to get get funding to help from going deaf” but the funding has run out” she needs something called a bionic ear”
I lost my job and it costs $9000 for a new ear, enclosed is all the caper wrk and the des name for verification” I don’t know who you are nor wat you do, I was searching on the net and saw a picture of a flying mode rescuing someone and it had your name’ next week is her bday, and she said ” daddy all I want is an ear” If you cannot help, I have to work on Sabbas to ake money for this” I’d hate to give up my religion as I’m shomer Sabbas and religious fr 5 years but if need be I must get my daughter her hearing back, I want her to get he friends back and self esteem. I’m going to shul now to pray ,I will say ” Hashem ” please make this mouse answer my prayers ,otherwise I work on Saturdays” I looked at his email and cried’ I then emailed 5guys I know asking fr a minimum of $1000 to help. With in 1 hr the money was raised , I emailed him back along mr Goldberg ,I received your email ” go get your daughter her ear” happy birthday”I wil send a check to the dr”
I then checked my email later on and saw his response” mr Cohen” I am sitting here with my daughter , we are elated ” we are histerical crying and cannot believe what we are reading” we Re in shock and have no words’ I was about to give up my whole religion, I prayed very hard tonight for Hashem to enable this mouse to help me” on a side note jack, one of those 5 guys tod me a few years back ” if you ever need ANythung big I want you to call me” we were putting TEFILIN on his dad for couple of years and he said he wants to pay be bak ten fld”
It’s condense that these are facebook stories, most others aren’t.
I received letter from state prison in California , we are 4 Jewish prisoners in state prison” we realize we have done wrong and serving our time’ we want to make teshuvah”
We need the following” 4 siddurim,4 yamikas,2 TEFILIN,,4 taletim, maybe some English Torah learning books, anything will do, we will we used merchandise.we used to have this when. We had a rabbi here, but now he was moved to another prison and the clergyman took away whatever few religious articles we had. I knew that to send a message out to my volunteers this may take days or weeks to coordinate. I decided to post it on Facebook, ” we have 4 prisoners in state prison” the need 4 siddurim, 4 yamikas’2 TEFILIN,4 taletim, some learning books, they will accept used and ill ship it to the prison, within minutes the response came in, picture the feed jack, ” I’ll take 1 pair new of TEFILIN,” I’ll take the other new tefilin was another response ,” I got the siddurim,ill give new yamikas,ill donate 6 Torah learning books, the feed pet on going with more books and yamikas,people were calling in a desperate panic” I heard you need TEFILIN can I donate it, I heard you need boos, Tate’s ECt call s and rebook messages all day long, I coulda opened up a judicial store! I collected all this and had the weird but happy feeling of mailing this to the warden at state prison to give to prisoners , weed later a letter came back saying “we’re praying “we,re learning thank you for going us life and helping with or teshuvah”